Transforming History

The Old Tavern Building

Sacramento, CA

With your help we can build

A New Haven for Patients,
and a Home Just Steps Away from the hospital
Sutter Medical Center Sacramento

With its rich history spanning 160 years, we are excited to embark on a unique journey of repurposing this historic landmark that was built by John Sutter himself, into a sanctuary for patients in need. By integrating commercial spaces on the first and basement levels, we're able to offset operational costs while preserving the building's legacy and serving our community's healthcare needs and keeping families together and providing home.

Your Donations

Will Build

18 Apartments

We're committed to renovating the top three floors of this cherished historic building, crafting 18 one-bedroom apartments designed to provide support, encouragement, and medical housing for individuals in need of significant medical care.

Commercial Space

The basement and first floor will be dedicated to commercial spaces, serving both the community and contributing to offsetting the operational costs of the 18 apartments. It's a true win-win scenario.

The Team

Help us bring home
to those in need.